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The Only Guide You'll Need For Choosing The Right Blogging Platform

At the beginning of 2017, I decided to start my blogging buddy program, a free service that I offer to new bloggers. Because of this service, I get to interact with new bloggers directly and understand the problems they are facing in their blogging journey and provide working solutions to their blogging problems. Here, I noticed a trend, most bloggers were not happy with the blogging platform they were using!

Feature WordPress Blogger
Cost Forever free platform with options to upgrade to a premium plan Forever Free Platform
Storage Offers 3GB of space for storing media such as images etc. this space can be upgraded by switching to a paid WordPress plan. Offers 1GB of space for storing media such as images etc. but if you are using your Google+ profile with your blogger account then you get a total of 15 gb.

Images with dimensions less than 800x800 are not counted towards your storage. If you ever run out of storage, you will be paying a small monthly fee to Google for more storage space.
Monetisation You may monetise your blog by running ads if you are on a paid WordPress plan.

If you are using the free WordPress plan and have a medium to high traffic blog you can apply for WordAds WordPress' own advertising system but your blog must be mapped to a custom domain.

However, you may publish sponsored posts, do affiliate marketing as long as the main purpose of your blog is not just affiliate marketing and doing sponsored posts. Meaning, your blog should actually help your readers and have high-quality original content.
Furthermore, you may even accept donations through Paypal on your blog, and sell your own products.

Upgrading to WordPress' highest paid plain will give you the flexibility to integrate an e-commerce system (Woocommerce) to be integrated with your WordPress blog and you may even add plugins which you couldn't before.
Blogger does not impose conditions like WordPress, it is free forever.

You may use Adsense directly through your blog, even accept third-party advertising or sell adspaces directly. You may choose to monetise through affiliate marketing, accept donations, set up your own ecommerce store, etc.

But if your blog is spammy or if it violates Blogger's terms of service, or google's terms of service you blog will be taken down with or without prior notice.
Domain Mapping You may use a custom domain with the free plan but it will cost you $13 per year to map your domain to WordPress. Or you can get a domain straight from WordPress and upgrade to a paid plan. Using a custom domain is free of cost on blogger, meaning you will not be charged anything for mapping your custom domain name to your blogger blog.
Themes and Customisability WordPress offers a wide range of free and premium themes that you can choose from to install on your blog. I love a lot f their free themes and my art blog uses a free theme.

I have noticed that all their themes are mobile responsive and built for specific purposes such as portfolios, magazines, blogs etc. All of them come from WordPress developers and are professionally made.
This year blogger released some new themes into their themes section which are also responsive. For long now people would move away from the platform because they thought it wasn't customisable.

But in truth blogger is one of the most customisable platforms. You can purchase premade themes for blogger that look amazing starting from $5 and support is also available.

My theme is from FearneCreativeDesign and cost me $5, it comes with full support so whenever I need some thing changed or am stuck somewhere, Eve, the shop owner provides full support. She let's me know what things are to be paid for but getting customisations on my blog is also just $5. Quite affordable, I'd say.
Plugins and Widgets WordPress is quite strict with it's security. Hence, you are not allowed to install third-party plugins on the platform unless you are on their business plan that let's you install third-party plugins.You can not install javascripts in your WotdPress blog, it is against their terms of service. On blogger plugins are called widgets, and there are not a lot available. This doesn't mean that you can not install javascripts from third-parties. You can use Powr on your blogger blog and make do things you never thought possible. Powr has a wide range of plugins available that will help you do almost anything with your blogger blog.
SSL(HTTPS) Availability WordPress offers out of the box SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on all its plans, even on custom domains. Ever since google decided to make HTTPS a ranking factor, and penalise sites that don't have them when people view your site from google chrome (effective from October, 2017) there's panic among those already using blogger as their blogging platform.

Blogger offers free SSL to domains, but unfortunately this feature is not yet available on custom domains on blogger. While blogger will be rolling out SSL to custom domains soon, this is the only disadvantage at the moment.
E-commerce integration You can sell your products and services through woocommerce on WordPress' business plan. You may use services like Powr, Ecwid and Gumroad to start selling through your blogger blog and deveop your storefronts. All three options help you integrate an ecommerce store into your blogger blog but you may want to decide on which platform you go with based on your needs.
Selling through Paypal WordPress allows you to sell your products and services through Paypal on all their plans. You may even accept donations. Just don't sell products that are of a questionable nature (for emample: adult content etc.) You can sell your products and services however you want as long as you don't violate Blogger's terms and services.

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